Monday, July 5, 2010

Creating a deck

Before I get to the kayak let me brag on my grandkids a moment. This is David on a riding tractor that belonged to me when I was his age and restored for him and Sara last year. Dave just turned 2 and I got to be with him a few days after his birthday. Below is Sara with her first fish. We tried fishing last year twice but this time the Sunny's cooperated. Since I named my first fish Charlie, (a brook trout caught in Stokes State Forest), I asked Sara what she wanted to name her fish. She said "Sara", so we called it Sara the Sunny! What a blessing.
Below is the kingplank of the stern. Origionally I was going to run it to the end further but liked how the miters were coming out. Now I will run all white cedar in the center with the miters on the edges as I go. The little measureing tool below - forget its name - works very well to measure the distance of the angle that needs to be cut. Measure, mark and cut with the razor saw. A little sanding or trimming and it fits well.

Here is the bow coming to completion. I installed a 1/2 strip of dark cedar before the white to create a contrast line. I like how it looks and the epoxy will bring out the colors even more.
I did create a few nailholes to secure the kingplank to the forms with a tempory piece of wood on top so as not to mar them.
Here is the bow from the opposite direction before I removed the clamps and tape. It has been going well without staples.

Here is a closeup of how I have been holding the strips in place while the glue dries. Masking tape, clamps, shims screwed to the staion. Basically, whatever works.

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