Friday, August 22, 2014

River of God Kayak Kamp: Day 4 & 5

 Thursday we launched at River Barge Park on th Hackensack River and paddled across the river to the Meadowlands by Mill Creek Park. The tide was going out so it was a bit slow going up the river but everyone made it. There was alot of mud showing from low tide and we reflected that we can experience God even in the mud. It is actually full of life and is an environment that allows all kinds of life to live and grow.  The meadowlands is an amazing place to paddle because it is such a wilderness to paddle in while looking at the Empire State Building and Freedom Tower

 The Hackensack River is pretty "big" water and can get quite rough if the wind picks up and wind and tide collide. After lunch Mr. Angelo of the Meadowlands Commission spoke to the kids and allowed them to go swimming off the dock. We ended the day with Ice Cream at Guernsey Crest.
 We began or final day with devotions from Revelation 22 about the River of God flowing from the Temple. Pastor John reminded us of the 4 words that will help us understand the Bible and live. CREATION - FALL - REDEMPTION - RESTORATION.  God created the world perfect and good. The fall into sin has polluted and corrupted us as people and the entire world. God send Jesus to Redeem and Save us from sin to live for him on earth and in heaven. Jesus is coming back to Restore all things and make them new. This is the good news of the Gospel.
We launched on the banks of the Delaware River about 5 miles north of the Gap. We would have gone further but the river road was closed due to a downed tree and power line.
 As we lauched we paddled upstream a bit before turning downstream. There was a good current so paddling was easy.
 Mrs. Patti MacCracken joined us today as our female leader. We were grateful for all of our leaders this week including her, Mrs. Englehard and Mr. Eric White. Without them we could not do Kayak Kamp.
 We stopped for lunch along the banks of the river and after eating everyone enjoyed swimming, floating with the current, paddling around or playing with the seagrass.
 A few kids floated away but those in kayaks towed them back. Fun was had by all.

The Matthews Family
The river grass was a big hit. Here are Justice and Naomi with new hairdos.... It may become a style...who knows?
 Our group for today in our last float before the final rapids into the gap. It has been a wonderful week where we have read God's "Big Book" of creation, learned to help each other and work together, and learned how to push ourselves beyond what we think we can do.

 Since we were a bit early we paddled past the beach at the Delaware Water Gap to the actual "Gap". This falls between a mountain in NJ and another one in PA. There was a time they hoped to put a dam here for drinking water. We're thankful that they didn't so we can enjoy the beauty of floating down a river created by the hand of God.   Psalm 8

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