The coaming has been a challenging and slow process. Here is a shot of the coaming lip epoxied on to the riser with the finished fillet underneath. The fillet is thicken epoxy mixed with sanding dust from the black walnut. This is actually the underside of the lip. Once this was hardened I needed to cut off what remained of the top of the riser and then sand the whole lip down to the correct width and shape.

Here is the lip sanded and ready for installation. Its installed by putting thickened epoxy on the edge of the cockpit recess and the riser and then using 3/4" block spacers to create the space between the deck and the bottom of the lip as seen below.

The finished lip installed with another fillet on the bottom. Now it gets well sanded again and glassed from the top of the lip, around the riser and down under. A double layer of glass on the rear 1/2 of the coaming will give it extra strength. The coaming has required me to practice extra patience but I am pleased how it is coming out. Will post the finished glassed coat soon. Can't wait to put on a spray skirt and try a roll....or at least a paddle

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