Tough keeping up with a surfski...but I did stay ahead of the canoes...

Thats me in the red kayak/yellow shirt & PFD. Next year I hope to be in the "Spring Run".

Saturday, May 8 was the annual Passaic River canoe & kayak race. The purpose of the race is to call attention to the Passaic River. This river was part of the Industrial revolution in providing water power for the mills that were built along the river in Paterson. Paterson was the first planned industrial city founded in 1792. George Washington & Alexander Hamilton envisioned using the water from the Great Falls to power the factories. Although this is a picture at low water flow the falls used to be the second largest in volume next to Niagra. You can still visit the factories and raceways that carrie the water to power the turbines in each factory. We are excited that the Great Falls District has just been declaired a National Park by President Obama.
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